
Dr. Wanda Malcolm is a registered psychologist. She offers psychotherapy and psychoeducation; psychological assessments are carried out as needed. She has over 10 years experience as a therapist and takes an emotion-focused approach in her work with individuals and couples who are at least 18 years of age.

Depression, anxiety and the resolution of relationship difficulties are Dr. Malcolm’s main clinical interests. Over the past decade she has been developing expertise in understanding how and when forgiveness and reconciliation can help people resolve relationship hurts and work through the feelings of sadness, anger and emotional pain that often come with such experiences. She regularly presents her research to colleagues at professional conferences and has contributed chapters to two academic books on forgiveness. She is sought out for media interviews and often speaks to church and community groups about forgiveness and reconciliation.

Dr. Malcolm did her undergraduate studies at Lakehead and York Universities. Her M.A. was completed at the University of Toronto’s Ontario Institute for Studies in Education, after which she returned to York to earn a PhD in clinical psychology. Wanda’s doctoral research investigated how clients can be helped to resolve past relationship hurts that continue to get in the way of current relationship satisfaction. The main focus of her research was on identifying what needs to happen in therapy if clients are to experience significant relief from psychological distress.

Wanda served as co-investigator on Dr. Les Greenberg’s Forgiveness Research Project from 2001 until 2004, and continues to be involved as a member of his psychotherapy research team at York University. She is currently an adjunct member of faculty in the psychology department at Brock University where she teaches undergraduate courses and is a member of the Brock Forgiveness Research Group. Her clinical research is aimed at improving therapists’ understanding of what needs to happen in psychotherapy for there to be meaningful and lasting improvements in clients’ emotional and psychological wellbeing.

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Dr. Wanda Malcolm, Psychologist
Brampton, Ontario
Phone: (416) 225-5800